焊接自动化成套装备 , 数控切割机 , 工业焊接机器人和数字化逆变焊接电源



Analysis of stainless steel welding equipment functional components and application technology to improve the stability and reliability of the whole machine. At the same time, the development of the welding process for different application fields will be based on pre set procedures and processes, and the seamless connection integration technology between the control systems of different manufacturers should be developed at present, and the main suppliers of automatic welding equipment for large projects should have items such as project planning, design, organization, procurement, acceptance and debugging. Eye management technology.


The research unit, electric welding machine factory, University and large welding application unit, based on the needs of the national economic construction at that time, carried out some equipment design with reference to the welding equipment of the former Soviet Union, and obtained some results after a long period of effort. However, because of the lack of unified planning, there is no professional equipment manufacturing enterprises to carry out systematic research and development, but compared with foreign countries, there are still a lot of technology to be solved in our welding equipment technology.


The prevention of abnormal accidents in industrial installations can endanger the safety of people and equipment. Functional safety technology, as well as the fluctuation of welding parameters during welding process, can not be closed loop feedback system is the problem we need to solve.


Looking back at the history of stainless steel welding in China, it is also a very difficult road. Only with the progress of science and technology can productivity be improved. Now look back together. The time of the development of China's stainless steel automatic welding machine equipment in China is much later than the common welding power supply. In 1950s, the industrial construction was carried out in China. Most of the large welding equipment in the key industrial enterprises of our country were introduced from the former Soviet Union.


  泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司(咨询电话 0538-5358300)座落在风景秀丽的泰山脚下,东平湖畔,山东东 平工 业园区内。东临泰山,西依黄河,南与孔孟故里相望。京沪高铁、济广高速公路贯穿而过,交通非常便利 。

  泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司目前是该地区唯一一家专业从事焊接自动化装备的高新技术企业。集设计研发 、 制造和销售为一体,目前公司下设生产部、技术部、质检部、电控部、行政部、售后服务部、销售部等多个 部 门。

  泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司()主要产品有焊接自动化成套装备、数控切割机、工业焊接机器 人 和数字化逆变焊接电源、焊缝跟踪系统及焊接摆动器等,是一家综合技术实力领先的自动化、智能化焊接成 套 装备的供应商。产品广泛应用于国内外机械制造、化工、汽车配件制造、农用机械、建筑、金属波纹管、太 阳 能热水器、电热水器、不锈钢制品等多个领域,在全国各个地区,产品质量和性能都受到了用户的 。

  泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司将秉承“以质量求生存,以管理求效益,以科技求发展”的文化理念,继往开 来 ,努力拼搏,奋发向上,创造民族自动化焊接!








