熔焊时,焊道与母材之间或焊道与焊道之间,未完全熔化结合的部分;焊缝的增高量过低或过高,点焊时母材与母材未完全熔化结合 的部分,统称为未熔合。根据其发生的部位不同可分为根部未熔合和层间未熔合。
During welding, the part of the joint between the weld and the parent material or between the welding path and the welding path is not completely melted; the increase of the weld is too low or too high. The part of the parent material and the parent material not completely melted during spot welding is called the non fusion. According to the different locations, they can be divided into root non fusion and interlayer non fusion.
沿焊缝长度上焊缝尺寸不均匀,在焊缝边缘母材上被电弧烧熔的凹槽较咬边。咬边时一种比较危险的焊接缺陷,它不仅减少了焊接接头的 工作截面,而且在咬边处造成严重的应力集中。过深的咬边将显著降低焊接接头的强度,有可能在咬边处导致 结构破坏。所以,在重要结构后受动载荷的结构中,一般不允许有咬边缺陷存在。
The weld size along the weld length is uneven, and the groove burned by the electric arc on the weld edge is smaller than the undercut. A dangerous welding defect when undercut, it not only reduces the working section of welded joints, but also causes serious stress concentration at the undercut. Excessive undercutting will significantly reduce the strength of welded joints, and may cause structural damage at the undercut. Therefore, it is generally not allowed to have undercut defects in structures with dynamic loads after important structures.
角焊缝焊脚尺寸偏移量过大或焊脚尺寸不够,弧坑是指焊缝收尾处产生的下陷现象。焊波不整齐,焊缝表面粗糙,高低不平,弧坑会使焊缝收尾处的强度严重下降,当结果受力时容易在此处破 坏,对于某些材料,如中碳钢、低合金结构钢等还会在弧坑出产生弧坑裂纹,是焊缝强度薄弱部位,有个能在 受力的情况下有弧坑裂纹导致整个焊缝的破坏
The size of the weld seam is too large or the size of the welding foot is not enough. The arc pit is the phenomenon of subsidence caused by the end of the weld. The welding wave is irregular and the weld surface is rough and uneven. The arc pit will cause the strength of the seam to be severely reduced. When the result is subjected to force, it is easily damaged here. For some materials, such as medium carbon steel and low alloy structural steel, the arc crater will be produced in the arc pit, it is the weak part of the weld strength, and there is a feeling of force. Damage caused by crackle cracks in the whole weld seam
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司座落在风景秀丽的泰山脚下,东平湖畔,东临泰山,西依黄河,南与孔孟故里相 望。京沪高铁、济广高速公路贯穿而过,交通非常便利。
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司目前是该地区一家专业从事焊接自动化装备的高新技术企业。集设计研发、 制 造和销售为一体,目前公司下设生产部、技术部、质检部、电控部、行政部、售后服务部、销售部等多个部 门 。
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司主要产品有焊接自动化成套装备、数控切割机、工业焊接机器人 和数字化逆变 焊接电源、焊缝跟踪系统及焊接摆动器等,是一家综合技术实力领先的自动化、智能化焊接成套 装备的供应商 。产品广泛应用于国内外机械制造、化工、汽车配件制造、农用机械、建筑、金属波纹管、太阳 能热水器、电 热水器、不锈钢制品等多个领域,在全国各个地区,产品质量和性能都受到了用户的。
泰安扬帆数控科技有限公司将秉承“以质量求生存,以管理求效益,以科技求发展”的文化理念,继往开 来 ,努力拼搏,奋发向上,创造民族自动化焊接!