Before we talked about the process of stainless steel welding, today it is usually made of high carbon and high chromium Cr12MoV (or SRD11, D2, DC53). At present, the following technological process is widely used to make mold: blanking, coarse processing, heat treatment (high temperature quenching and high temperature tempering), fine processing, nitriding and finished products (injection: to save cost, the general manufacturer now saves the two time consuming of forging and spheroidizing annealing, and the cost process).
Stainless steel welding is formed on welded pipe forming machine, rolled and welded by stainless steel plate through the trunk road mold. As the strength of stainless steel is high and its structure is face centered cubic lattice, it is easy to form working hardening. On the one hand, the mold must bear large friction force and make the die easy to wear. On the other hand, the stainless steel sheet is easily bonded to the surface of the mold and causes the weld pipe and the die surface to form a strain. Therefore, a good stainless steel mold must have very high wear resistance and anti adhesion properties. The analysis of the imported welded pipe mold shows that the surface treatment of this kind of mould is treated by super hard metal carbides or nitride coating.
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